Peat briquettes

Since ancient times, people used wood and coal to heat their homes. However, time does not stand still and everything changes. Mankind has taken a significant step into the world of progress and technology. Peat briquettes have become one of the types of production, which are gaining more and more popularity and value. Features of peat fuel briquettes

The very first and most important thing is that peat fuel briquettes are environmentally friendly, since they consist of organic substances. They are made from crushed peat by pressing, without chemical additives. In the process of processing peat into fuel briquettes, its energy efficiency increases significantly compared to coal. Features of the structure of peat briquettes do not allow it to burn out quickly, which simplifies the maintenance of boilers, as the frequency of loading this material into the furnace is reduced.

Pressed peat briquettes are superior in thermal conductivity to both firewood and coal. So, when burning a kilogram of peat briquette, heat is released at 4500-5600 kcal, when burning firewood – about 3400 kcal, coal – 3800-6000 kcal, unlike firewood. Peat briquettes contain no more than 21% ash. In addition, even the ash obtained from the combustion of peat briquettes, according to amateur gardeners, can be used as a fertilizer for soil with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. After all, this will improve the structure of the soil itself, and will also contribute to the absorption of various microelements by plants and their protection from pests. Advantages of peat briquettes When buying peat briquettes, a person can use them to kindle fireplaces, saunas, greenhouses, various types of stoves, greenhouses. This type of fuel today is very popular and economical for heating private houses. After all, the rise in the price of gas and electricity in the country makes people think about alternative fuels.

Another advantage of peat briquettes is that they do not need additional processing, are easy to store and take up little space. This biofuel is capable, when adjusting the air supply, to give either strong heat, or vice versa, to smolder for up to 10 hours. This is very important at night, when heat transfer will be maintained without human intervention. At first glance, the price of peat is higher than the price of wood. But this difference becomes insignificant if we take into account the thermal characteristics of peat and firewood, in which briquettes have a significant advantage. For a good price for peat briquettes, you get excellent and safe biofuel for comfort and warmth in your home.

Buying peat briquettes is the right and well-considered decision. After all, environmentally friendly fuel that does not have a negative impact and toxic waste is the most important thing that people need for the comfort of themselves and their families. When buying peat briquettes, we remind you of the possibility of purchasing in bulk. This will save your time and money. By contacting us, you will receive detailed information on how to place an order correctly, delivery times, receive service at the highest level and you will be pleasantly surprised by the pricing policy.

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